REDCAT, Los Angeles
Antimatter, Victoria, B.C.
Outsider Arts Festival, Austin
Structuring Strategies, CalArts
Proteus Gowanus, Brooklyn (as work in progress)
Feral Studio, Joshua Tree (as work in progress)
experimental | 16mm finished to hd | 2014
Kinesthesia Series is a fetish exercise in visual motion, repetition and the wily experience of time and memory. Made for abstract rhythmic and existential pleasure, it consists of short interludes between 30 seconds and 3 minutes long that are shot on 16mm, tightly edited, sound designed and finished digitally. The result is a hypnotic fluctuation between abstraction and documentation.
“A powerful departure for Abigail Severance, Kinesthesia Series is a play of
semi-abstracted movement and light that is reminiscent of films by Baillie, Menken and Brakhage, but achieved here through a subtle blending of film and digital with the filmmaker’s strong feel for rhythm and a play of forms.”
-- Steve Anker, RedCat
cinematography/edit/sound design > Abigail Severance
sound mix > Craig Smith
thanks > Steak House, Bill Basquin, Melinda Stone