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music video | 2010 | HD​

When Meatyard released their rich and lovely EP Sweet Old Green World, they asked me to select one of the songs and make a video for it. I chose Hard Times, one of my favorite traditional tunes, but I wanted to find a way to distance it from Stephen Foster’s world. Hanging out with Isla, daughter of Meatyard frontman Josh Welsh, an idea about a modern-day feminist fairytale began to emerge, in which Little Red Riding Hood might stalk the Wolf in order to befriend him. 


musicians > Meatyard: Josh Welsh, Molly Hansen, Rupert Sandes

girl > Isla Welsh

manimal > Rupert Sandes

writer/director > Abigail Severance

cinematography > Christian Bruno

camera > Christian Bruno + Ted Chung

set design > Laurel Frank

crew > Arpita Kumar, Kate Marks, Evan Pritts

editor > Omar Gonzalez

visual fx > Eric Escobar

recording studio > Jungle Room

thanks > Steak House, Bonnie Gavel

willow house > Catawampus by Patrick Dougherty, Los Angeles Arboretum

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